flag design by jasmine lovelstzy
illustration by kris barz
The idea of The Golden Rainbow Villages book came from the collective Vision that was collaborated by people of all ages from all over the world who shared how they felt they could change the world and make it a better place for everyone
powered by 100% Volunteers from:
About Me:
i am adorable, full of myself & sooooooooooooooooooooooo funny and i AM changing this world so back off and give me some space to breathe but never EVER let go of my hand ^.^
Question for YOU: How would you feel if the whole planet depends on you for 1 day
more on the acting career go to
up close & personal
on changing the world
the current population on the planet
Political Party: no affiliation
Cape Town
Thinkareté by Brian
CLICK here to read the manifesto
CLICK here to listen to manifesto
adjusted from Zaadz.com
Member Since: Sunday, April 30 2006
Last Visit: Today.
Profile Viewed: 27564 times (last viewed 26 minutes ago)
About Me:
i am adorable, full of myself & sooooooooooooooooooooooo funny and i AM changing this world so back off and give me some space to breathe but never EVER let go of my hand ^.^
100% of the royalty goes to ABC for Life, a registered Non-Profit Organization, that supports children’s education in Cape Town, South Africa
Things ~princess~ Loves
- Destroy the word “IMPOSSIBLE”
- Light Source University
- Destroy Discrimination
- STOP Killing on this planet entirely
- Destroy Controlling Education
- Destroy Parents-Children Controlling Relationships
- Love Beaming Adventure Temples
- The Vision
- FLOW in 4 Quarters of Jerusalem
- Fight exploitive religions
- To establish a government that works
- The World Army with M-4 Carbine Toys
- Dismantle All the Nuclear Weapons In the World Safely
- sleep @ least 8 hrs a week!!!!!
- Figure out how the entire world can collaborate
- Have no Goals – Live for NOW!
- Meet People From All Over the World
- Promote Authenticity
- Promote Integrity
- Promote Boundaries
- Equal Exchange of Energy
- I am Free. Goals are for captives.
- simplify
Great list, huh? Click here to see what Members everywhere have come up with!
Destroy the word “IMPOSSIBLE”
Ok. This is very simple. As the entire Cosmos is based on mathematics, there is no problem that cannot be solved, except human ignorance and a status quo mentality. Why? Because when someone tells someone else that they want for instance to stop killing on this entire planet, this person will say: impossible. And is quite right. Cuz guess what. As long as the entire human population lives in this paradigm, the change on this planet sure is impossible. So I want to major team up with others who want to teach the humanity that nothing is impossible if they are committed enough to not give up until they find and apply the solution.
White Rosesaid
“Impossible” is yet another meanengless word that ezists only in the human mind.
Destroy Discrimination
This is really a large topic but it is at the very core of my being as I had to deal with this my whole life. My family and the society constantly trying to put me in different compartments and define who they think I am and how I need to act according to that definition and label they just gave me. Cannot stand this. So I want to destroy discrimination against nationality, religion, skin color, age, education, country, prestigious clubs, knowledge, and what not. Basically to create a society where we are all equal.
You said this sooo much better than I could have dreamed of expressing it myself. Looks like you & I have been in similar boats, and yes, I did see that pic of you on the boat, lol. I know that 99% of people I’ve encountered have meant well, but if they think that I’m a “beautiful black woman”, that irks me internally. If they like my looks, I want to be a “beautiful woman” to them, and anyone else. I don’t mean to come across as vain. Anyone who talks to me like they would anyone else is an immediate candidate for friendship in my book. I very much appreciate what you said to me earlier.
There are differences that don’t matter and there are differences that do. Everybody should be treated as a human being, and accorded some fundamental respect and recognition of their humanity. But not everybody deserves the same respect and recognition. Some people earn special respect an admiration for their character and accomplishments in general, some earn specific qualifications that show they have demonstrated certain capabilities. Some people earn contempt.
Dru229, judging by your photo, you are a beautiful woman, without further qualification. But consider this: would it be amiss for someone to say a beautiful scandinavian, a gorgeous latina or a regal Indian beauty? Race is an opportunity for conflict, but it also brings wonderful variety for appreciation, and the different races have their characteristic beauties.
~ ok anthony we deffinatly come from different worlds n thats fine as i personally cant stand any boxes be it scandinavian, indian, black, white whatever… n this has nothing to do with appreciating unity in diversity as i do… i met this guy at my film school n we connected right away n 3 weeks later we were driving in downtown manhattan when suddunly he brings “black” slavery n calls me white!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i tell u it was a schock as up to that moment i never saw him as a “chocolade” guy with dreads nor did i (or do i) c myself as white except when i m “forced” to write it down for legal purposes n that will be the first thing to go when i become officially a President of the World ^.^
What’s so different about our worlds? Neither of us believe one should make unwarranted assumptions about people’s personality and character based on their appearance.
One doesn’t celebrate diversity by pretending it doesn’t exist!
~ thats ur problem anthony not mine that u dont get that not everyone needs to pretend they dont put people in defined compartment like cultural identity n other boxes but its rather their way of being or their unique “diversity”… can U live with that? plus i c a huge difference between our worldviews… but whats wrong coming from different worlds anyway… u said it urself… celebrating unity in diversity… so u can go on n continue living ur life with ur preferences of definding a beautiful scandinavian, a gorgeous latina or a regal Indian beauty n i’ll continue my life with no borders n endless possibilities n i say we can both co-exist together as long as u dont try to “convert” me to ur worldview…. cuz guess what… i aint interested! but i do love u ^.^
I didn’t mean to start a debate. After reading both Princess’ & Anthony’s comments, I’m now thinking that maybe the hangup was mine, and mine alone. No one else, let alone anyone else, has walked in my shoes. No two people look at life the same way. If they did, at least one of them would have serious issues.
I need to be more tolerant, if not more understanding, of the perspectives of other people. Of course people will put labels on other people. Centuries of society’s mores have conditioned people to do that. It will take more centuries for people worldwide to cease with the label-making.
I can deal with being a “beautiful black woman” if a compliment was intended.
Anthony, thank you for the compliment.
LOL… now we have 3 different worlds… love it… cuz i c this as fun n a chance to connect where we share all what we feel about something openly as i LOVE to hear where people r… but if u dont like it its ok… love u regardless… but one thing i really like u Dru229 said is that no one has walked in ur shoes… so its ur story… n the same with me… no one has walked in my shoes with multicultural family n living in millions of countries on this planet (check my “rootless” blog comment) so i ditto: no 2 people look at life the same way ^.^
STOP Killing on this planet entirely
To do this i first have to create a bridge between the killing gun and no killing at all. So i came up with this idea to get 2 plastic toy guns: one that shoots water and another one bubbles and to put LOVE signs on either sides. One of my LOVE signatures with a spiral and all the colors and another one my friend Joyce made LOVE calligraphy in Chinese. I would like to then distribute these plastic guns in every single country and schools that exists on this entire planet, and many other places that would like to open their doors, and also put these guns in some open fields and city street corners as my purpose is to invite all of the humanity who carry killing guns to turn their gun in return for 2 plastic guns. So these fields and city streets are there so that if someone feels uncomfortable to turn in their gun, they can go to these fields or some street corners and still do the exchange and no one sees them.
I also composed a rap song that would be playing at these places like a theme song so that can keep the momentum and the vision going.
The rap song’s name is: WAR on Racism – Armed with LOVE
Destroy Controlling Education
This is my main goal and I am writing a book on this, but the main thing again and again is to create education not based on control and authority of teachers over pupils, but on inter-active and equal learning where student-teacher is one word and promotes a choice (u may read my brief comment by clicking here)
n also check Light Source University i m co creating ^.^
Oh absolutely. Authoritarian educational systemmes are how the youth of today are indoctrinated (brainwashed) into the totalitarian regime we currently (barely) exist in. It’s disgusting. I went to Public School in Wales in my childhood (UK Public School = US Private School) and then when we moved to the US, I went to American style public schools and was absolutely horrified. I wanted to drop out of school by age 10, but was unable to do so until my freshman year of high school, at which point, I immediately dropped out, got my GED and went straight to college. This is a decision I have never regretted.
Destroy Parents-Children Controlling Relationships
This is my 2nd major thing as I am not a parent so cannot go full front line here, but I know exactly what it means to be a child in a family that simply controls you and tries to run your life, and act like a child is their property like a robot, that they can just press a button and expects a child to do what they have commanded. And when a child doesn’t response or asks questions and refuse to follow orders that simply make no sense to their own consciousness, then the parents label the child as rebellious, unreasonable, insane, whatever, or they pull their authority weapon: I am your parent and you have to listen to me. (excuse me). And the story Ends There.
What I see the solution is to educate parents and institutions like education, law, government, etc. as it’s all linked, to realize that they no longer can control the evolution of humanity as children know their own purpose and need to be encouraged to pursue it, which is my voice to the world.
Love Beaming Adventure Temples
This is an experience to receive and send love energy towards different people and situations, including mother and father ancestor lines, as well as globally to send love energy towards different situations like hurricanes, conflicts, newspapers, as well as to presidents and leaders of different countries. (click for more info)
Here are 4 feature films that I would like to make
NOTE: (for the Love LsTzy film there will be many scenes where a person will be able to be a director and a screenwriter on a particular project or a front line on chaning this world)
LOVE LsTzy Sci-Fi (Spiritual) trilogy, which tells a story about children from the planet LOVE LsTzy. This planet is beaming love to all living organisms and non-living objects in the Universe that wish to receive love, and in the process become a self-sufficient love-beaming star. The children are invited to come to Earth and their mission is to hold The Vision of LOVE. They are being born on different corners of the world by choosing parents and their earth families that best supports them to meet with each other and fulfill their mission. Current budget is 650 Million American Dollars, where 100% of film sales is going directly for building self-sustainable and love based communities that are free of charge and leaderless (click for more info)
Marry Popins 2 Sci-Fi (Comedy), that tells a story about children who are busy creating energy grid to cover the whole earth, so that people who already started laughing and are elevating from the earthly magnetic fields, do not end up in the eternal abyss
Finding Dory Sci-Fi (Spiritual) film, that tells a story about children who live in the NOW
Star Wars VIII, where the whole universe, per request of a little nine year old girl called Love J, beams love energy towards the old man who falls down in a big hole at the end of Star Wars VI called The Emperor, so that he can come out of the hole, because the little girl wants to ask the old man something (NOTE: from trusted sources we have heard that the little girl is curious if he is still falling down, and if not what is he doing
Besides these there are many short films that I am making and will soon be available via You Tube.
The Vision
* We Are All One *
The Vision
collaborative summary
with a telepathic connection to the collective new paradigm consciousness via the energy grid honoring the power of one for the greatest good of all
if u have more ideas join us by adding another number so that the evolutionary spiral continues
The Vision holds new paradigm energy and acts as a bridge or an energy flow towards the greatest vision of all, which is The Vision of LOVE. It is envisioned both as a screenplay in a book and a film format to hold, expend and manifest all the aspects of The Vision, and as a reality of the worldwide communities, that act as a vehicle where all the people on earth, who feel they have an urge to change the world and activate the new paradigm, are able to physically meet and facilitate each other by honoring a complete individual freedom and autonomy to create the works each one came here to create and make this world a better place for all.
These communities are free of charge and leaderless.
This is a community where there are resources and support for creating this world a better place for all
A facility where there is a co-creation of the space for those who wish to stay children forever (or for grown ups to return and be children again)
There are resources and support for constantly recognizing all the areas of separation on personal and global level, and the tools to return to the road of Oneness & Unity Consciousness
There are resources and support for Children to deal with their Beautiful Anger and there are available tools that facilitate a channeling of this powerful charged energy into making this world a better place a reality for all
There are resources to support a manifestation of, free of charge and leaderless, Love Beaming Adventure Temples, where there is an experience to receive and send love energy towards different people and situations, including mother and father ancestor lines, as well as globally to send love energy towards different situations like hurricanes, conflicts, newspapers, as well as to presidents and leaders of different countries. It is also a place where people can turn in anger and a killing gun in return for 2 plastic guns and laughter. One that can shoot water and the other one that shoots bubbles
There are resources to support those who feel their path is to be a president and lead a country or borderless and ID document-less world through LOVE & Unity Consciousness
There are resources and support to co-create Schools, free of charge and leaderless honoring a complete individual freedom and autonomy that act as a bridge between the current old-paradigm educational system and the new one. As a bridge it is a place where there is a choice to choose between The New Paradigm Curriculum that will support a co-operative learning necessary to pass final examinations K-12 (or 1st through 12th grade and matric) that will make possible to enter traditional accredited Universities Locally and Internationally, for those who feel it is their path, and for those who do not, there is no set curriculum but a place where everyone interacts in co-creating and constantly changing and expanding curriculum of life, and children are able to choose between the two or a combination of both.
There are resources and support to build LOVE Beaming Adventure Cities and Villages on every corner of the world, where The Vision of LOVE is manifested.
There are resources and support to build self-sufficient energy buildings and houses on every corner of the world that uses Free Earth Resources like Wind, Sun, Water and Fire and they are free of charge for all beings on The Earth.
There is a support for the awareness that the old paradigm style of business, money, currency exchange, legal, banking, booking agents, tour managers, coordinators, taxation, administrative, managerial, medical, distribution, publicity support, etc., simply is not aligned with The Vision of LOVE and is not supporting its projects. And along the line there are resources to co-create the new paradigm style together for the greatest good of all
There are resources and support to create one currency on earth, which is LOVE
There are resources and support to co-create Villages for all aligned with The Vision and equal exchange of energy honoring a complete individual freedom and autonomy that provide basic human needs of food, roof over a head and transportation
There are resources and support to co-design Transportation where individuals as well as different airlines, trains, rent-a-cars, buss, ships, boats, bicycles, scooters, taxi companies, who are aligned with The Vision and equal exhange of energy honoring a complete individual freedom and autonomy, are contributing frequent flyer miles, vouchers, passes, tickets, that are taking care of all planetary travel arrangements for all those who are ready to receive and activate the abundance of all that is needed for The Vision to be manifested, honoring the power of one for the greatest good of all. They will eventually become a transportation system by itself, where there are tools for Planes, Ships, Automobiles, and all other vehicles available, that are free of charge for all, to be co-created to promote vehicles that are running on clean, green, self-sustainable energy
There are resources and support to co-design Bed & Breakfast, where individuals as well as different hotels, lodges, time shares, summer houses, who are aligned with The Vision and equal exchange of energy honoring a complete individual freedom and autonomy are contributing accommodation to all those who are ready to receive and activate the abundance of all that is needed for The Vision to be manifested, honoring the power of one for the greatest good of all
There are resources and support to co-design Food Court, where individuals as well as different fresh or processed food companies, who are aligned with The Vision and equal exchange of energy honoring a complete individual freedom and autonomy, are contributing food to all those who are ready to receive and activate the abundance of all that is needed for The Vision to be manifested, honoring the power of one for the greatest good of all
There are resources and support to co-create Hospitals where traditional and non-traditional, short and long distance healing, is offered free of charge on every corner of the planet
There are resources and support to co-design Communication, for developing a system of phones & videos on every corner of the world for The Worldwide Conference Calls (e.g. www.Skype.com) that will eventually be available 24/7 and free of charge for all
There are resources and support to co-create a bridge of understanding between parents and children, and between the old and the new paradigm relationships
There are resources available like sound, laughter, gardening, internet, movies, books, farming, exercise, filmmaking, games, cd’s, planting trees, musical instruments as such, as well as the interaction with each other, to act as tools for hands-on interactive co-creation of the new paradigm of experience and the return to Unity Consciousness
There are resources to co-design a touring caravan of cocreation. An ensemble of musicians, artists, healers, angels, elementals, and humans of all trades.
There are resources to co-create The Unity Festivals: 3 levels of interactive festival experience designed to bring all the artists and co creators of the new renaissance together for the purpose of raising the vibration of the planet, and stepping into their full mastery of conscious creation.
There are resources to co-design Light Source Centers, a multi-faceted facilities that give children and adults free access to everything they would need for the transition into the new paradigm and supporting villages to become fully self sustainable and in full harmony with nature, the grid, and the universal laws of LOVE that govern all of creation, and are safe zones to co-create golden harmonic fields of transformation.
There are resources to co-create communities and temple centers on every continent that will provide the tools of creating LOVE based community housing, education, health, technologies, energies, masterful intelligence, and wisdom for the empowerment of all beings
There are resources and support free of charge for all who wish to connect to the world wide energy grid and communicate telepathically
There are resources and support to learn The Universal Language of Sound and Music
There are resources and support for many large rooms to be created where all children and adults can release their frustrations. Rooms with thick, cushioned soundproof walls. Release, resulting in love.
There are resources and support for free exchange communities where people can exchange goods for services. From GOD, Source, for the highest and greater good of all and from pure mind, heart and soul. A carpenter can exchange the making of a bed for a week or month supply of vegetables from the farmer. A weaver can exchange blankets or carpets for a cabin to live in. A healer (any modality) can exchange healing for food, a doctor can treat patients in exchange for food, blankets, furniture……… you can exchange words of wisdom for a meal or some company…. Where things are made for the pleasure and joy of others, where things are received for the pleasure of receiving and being able to give. Exchanging gratitude for a lesson in the understanding of emotions and feelings, where being taught how to identify with and observe the sensation of feelings within your body.
A place of LOVE and where the story of now is being an endless journey of discovery
It would not take mountains of financial energy for these projects. It will take the creative drive and focus of a committed team of players, some of which are “waiting in the ranks”, and some that will harmonize once the process has begun.
Activating NOW – YES
feel free to continue expending The Vision
FLOW in 4 Quarters of Jerusalem
finding the solution to this conflict is rooted deep inside my soul essence
my commitment in finding this solution is eternal and i will not give up until the ring melts
Fight exploitive religions
i’ve been crying now after reading Letters of motivation and i want to add to what is already written here by sharing my feelings right now
all my life my best friends were stars in the sky and the closest to G’d i got is the Force they talk in Star Wars… and the only reason is, coming from a scientific background, that i have a proof from my personal experience with this invisible energy that has always been guiding me throughout my life. and this energy i don’t see as something outside of me. i see it as an integral part of my very being…. its a feeling like my own personal barometer or a compass that even when i m alone in the desert, this force is with me…. like the entire cosmos, bonded with these invisible string lines that connects all of my star friends and all the galaxies and all the continents on the third planet in the solar system and all the animals and ultimately all of the humanity thus 4 quarters of Jerusalem, the very place where 3 major religions that fight the most wars on this planet are located….
and my eternal question to all of the humanity is:
how can someone put something so vast and unexplainable and beautifully powerful, inside one single small box called religion and profit from it
When I was writting letters of motivation I almost brought myself to tears, now you once again make me cry. From now on I’ll be visiting Zaadz only when I have a tissue available.
The World Army with M-4 Carbine Toys
OK… this goes along my other goal about creating this world where there is no killing
so i wonna co-create The World Army using M-4 Carbine Toys and other toy guns that shoot water and bubbles, as a bridge between today’s armies in every country that uses real weapons that kill people and armies where there is no killing at all
this is a huge production and we need very serious and committed leaders who feel this on a heart and soul level who would be into connecting with each and every country on this planet to join hands and make this a reality.
~ love ~
Promote Authenticity
(wiki) Authenticity is when one expresses and communicates honestly and genuinely (my 2c) Authenticity is all about sharing honestly what we feel in any given moment, with nothing holding back, and allowing the other person to do the same. its also not about being right or wrong or finding an absolute truth. its about human contact and communication which is really at the core of the entire conflict on this planet…
Promote Integrity
(wiki) Being in integrity is about a refusal to engage in lying, blaming or other behavior generally seeming to evade accountability. Integrity is holding true to one’s values; being one’s word; doing what one said would do by when and how would do it. Integrity is knowing what is important to you and living your actions accordingly.
Promote Boundaries
so here is mine:
no rules: i m riding the wave with the flow by following my feelings with the connection to the force honoring the power of one for the greatest good of all n expect from u to do the same when interacting with me so no clinging
if u dont & operate on rules i need to then have these rules clearly stated so we can have Equal Exchange of Energy when interacting with each other
so whats urs?
Equal Exchange of Energy
~ call it Consciouss Capitalism or what ever u want i dont care but ur asking me to give u 1 apple so tell me what exactly r u giving me in return where i c the value for myself so we can keep the balance 0 (zero)
got to divide things into these 3 sections
*1. Projects that will fail to have a significant impact whether i do them or not
*2. Projects that will succeed anyway whether i do them or not
*3. Projects that will have a significant impact if i complete them
n act upon *3.