* We Are All One *

The Vision

FREE of Charge & Leaderless
powered by Volunteers 100%

The Vision was originally written by +Elijah- in November 2005 when it was embraced by Cornflower, Nikita and Jasmine and later expanded by those who wanted to build a conscious and self sustainable gift giving society. A non-duality ecological place where all beings on Earth live in peace and harmony with complete individual freedom and autonomy, while upholding new paradigm values of community collaboration and shared resources for the greatest good of all.

The following list is a compilation of visions and suggestions from different people:


The Vision communities are free of charge and leaderless. Each community is a space with resources and support for creating this world a better place for all.


We are ready to activate a personal and collective vision of the return to Unity Consciousness.There are resources and support for ongoing recognition of all the areas of separation on a personal and global level, and there are tools to facilitate the return to the road of Oneness & Unity Consciousness


We are here to heal, uplift, inspire, and raise the vibration of the planet, and all beings on it, through a new renaissance of visionary music, art, film, dance, healing, and all other aspects of the LOVE vibration that is ready to be shared with the world. Ready?

…It would not take mountains of financial energy for these projects. It will take the creative drive and focus of a committed team of players, some of which are “waiting in the ranks”, and some that will harmonize once the process has begun.


There are resources to co-design a traveling ministry of artists, musicians, dancers, actors, singers, acrobats, etc, who joyously co-create an inner-active live production of light, sound, humor, and magic, with the entire experience focused upon raising the vibration of the planet.  (see www.bandoflightexperience.com and https://facebook.com/LuminariesMusic)


There are resources to co-create The Unity Festivals: 3 levels of interactive festival experience designed to bring all the artists and co-creators of the new renaissance together for the purpose of raising the vibration of the planet, and stepping into their full mastery of conscious creation. (see Earth Dance, Burning Man, Rainbow Gathering, Peak Experience, etc.)


There are resources to co-design Light Source Centers (can be designed to include educational facilities (see www.lightsourceuniversity.com), temple space, medical and natural health facilities, co-op store fronts, Love based community housing, etc.), multi-faceted facilities that give children and adults free access to everything they would need for the transition into the new paradigm and supporting villages to become fully self sustainable and in full harmony with nature, the grid, and the universal laws that govern all of creation, and are safe zones to co-create golden harmonic fields of transformation.


There is a support for the awareness that the old paradigm style of business, money, currency exchange, legal, banking, booking agents, tour managers, coordinators, taxation, administrative, managerial, medical, distribution, publicity support, etc., simply is not aligned with The Vision and is not supporting its projects. And along the line there are resources to co-create the new paradigm style together for the greatest good of all (see Day 4 (The Rules) and Day 5 Updates)


There are resources and support to co-create one currency on earth, which is L0VE.


There are resources and support to co-create Schools honoring a complete individual freedom and autonomy while co-developing and upholding community guidelines (Inspired by Summerhill School in England https://www.summerhillschool.co.uk )


There are resources and support to co-create a New Paradigm Curriculum: Within the academic curriculum any subject matter can be incorporated and chosen a term in advance by the students themselves so that they can study an area that interests them and take it as far as they feel they want to go including optional final exams and certifications if students feel they want to enter mainstream universities. The life preparedness curriculum will bring in principles from Celestine prophecies as well as Seven Truths Carolynne Meiss and Seven principles of success Deepak chopra. Meditation, further life coping skills and basic law will be introduced at higher grades.


Law: “The court” – adults and children: Court in process – a forum of highly qualified people – people who can see purely from the heart with the greatest good for all in mind – a discussion with the heart leading –


There are resources and support to co-create a space within the community for those who wish to stay children forever (or for grown ups to return and be children again).


There are resources and support for Children to deal with their Beautiful Anger and there are available tools to facilitate a channelling of this powerful energy into making the world a better place for all.


There are resources to support a manifestation of L0VE Beaming Adventure Temples, where there is an experience to receive and send love energy towards different people and situations, including mother and father ancestor lines, as well as globally to send love energy towards people in crisis situations.


There are resources and support to build L0VE Beaming Adventure Cities and Villages on every corner of the world, where The Vision of L0VE is manifested.


There are resources and support to build ecological self-sufficient energy buildings and houses.


There are resources and support to co-create ecological and self sustainable Villages for all aligned with The Vision and equal exchange of energy honoring a complete individual freedom and autonomy while co-developing and upholding community guidelines. These Villages provide basic human needs of food, warm shelter, and clothing.


There are resources and support to co-create Health Centers where traditional and non-traditional, short and long distance healing, is offered free of charge on every corner of the planet


There are resources and support to co-create a bridge of understanding between parents and children, and between the old and the new paradigm relationships.


There are resources enabling the hands-on, interactive co-creation of the new paradigm of experience and the return to Unity Consciousness.


There are resources and support free of charge for all who wish to connect to the world wide energy grid and communicate telepathically.


There are resources and support to learn The Universal Language of Sound and Music.


There are resources and support for many large rooms to be created where all children and adults can release their frustrations. Rooms with thick, cushioned soundproof walls. Release, resulting in love.


There are resources and support available to have heart-centered exchange-based opportunities where people can exchange goods and services. From GOD, Source, for the highest and greater good of all and from pure mind, heart and soul. A carpenter can exchange the making of a bed for a week or month supply of vegetables from the farmer. A weaver can exchange blankets or carpets for a cabin to live in. A healer (any modality) can exchange healing for food, a doctor can treat patients in exchange for food, blankets, furniture……… you can exchange words of wisdom for a meal or some company…. (See also: https://foodforfree.org, https://couchsurfing.com, https://movingworlds.org,  https://bartercard.com.au)


A place of LOVE and where the story of now is being an endless journey of discovery


** The Vision is vast, and amorphous. Much cooperation is needed to bring all the aspects to fruition. It is much like a crystal, with many facets, and many ways to experience it. Because there are so many beings that are going to be involved in this process, it is important to note that many of these aspects are already complete, or are in construction by other groups and organizations that hold a similar vision. In other words, it will not be necessary to “start from scratch”, for there already exists many alliances who will help facilitate the linking up that is critical for the full realization of the Vision.

Activating NOW – YES

feel free to continue expending The Vision


Share Our Rainbow by Ed Jordan & Neil Andrews featuring Tsakani “TK” Mhinga

~ Share Our Rainbow ~
Music For The Children


Tsakani “TK” Mhinga

Tsakani “TK” Mhinga

it’s been raining in Rwanda
it’s been storming in Spain
There’s been a blizzard out in Beslan
i hear children cry in pain

it hails hatred in Haiti
And from Sudan to Belfast
There’s no break in this foul weather
Have we a future from this past

There’s been a lightening strike in New York
Triggering tempest in Bagdad
There’s still thunder over Beirut
Is the world stark raving mad?

Lately London mourns with Bali
How did heaven turn to hell?
if we can’t find the answer
Will there be children left to tell?

You know this world rains down with sorrow
Let the sun come out tomorrow

Music for the children
Please share our rainbow
Music for the children
Please share our rainbow

So things can start anew
If you reconcile what’s true
On this southern tip of Africa
Forgiveness is shining through

Yes the way we’ve grown together
Free from colour, Faith and Creed
As the world is seeking guidance
Let our Children take the lead

You know this world rains down with sorrow
Let the sun come out tomorrow

Music for the children
Please share our rainbow
Music for the children
Please share our rainbow

Through forgiveness let us find
Peace and love for all mankind 

100% of the royalty goes to ABC for Life, a registered Non-Profit Organization, that supports children’s education in Cape Town, South Africa
