~Matthew said

Hi everybody,

like to give you an update as to where I’m setting up shop and give you
a small introduction as to whom I am working with to make it happen.
The new website will eventually be at
The website won’t be set up until mid-April, if all goes well.  If you
click that link right now, it will re-direct you to a facebook page
created by Stephen Dinan.  I’d suggest joining that group and adding
Stephen as a friend if you’re not too averse to utilizing fb.

To learn more about Stephen and Shift, please head on over to
Read through that page, and then click on “About us”.  Hopefully,
you’ll see why I want to work with Stephen on creating the new site.
He’s also friends with Brian and Siona and has been a supporter of
Zaadz/Gaia for some time.

If you have any questions for me, let me know!  Again, you can reach me at the ning site, or look me up on Facebook.
It has been an honor serving you all these years, and I hope everything
turns out for the best for everyone in the future.  And if you ever
need someone to advocate on your behalf, I am here for you.  You truly
have been the most amazing community the internet has ever seen!

With Love,


Posted on

Mar 12th, 2010

Gaia Team

It’s Siona. I’m posting here the newsletter I’m sending out this morning.

Dear Gaians.

Though it’s been an incredible four years, due to current economic conditions,
Gaia Community has become simply too much to support. As of the end of
this month, I’ll be leaving—off to an overdue break, a new business
venture, and a few adventures abroad—and the site will be shutting down.

Until that happens
you’ll be able to continue to log in, so as to copy your blogs and save
your posts or messages, and to exchange information with any community
members with whom you’d like to stay in touch. (We’ll post information
on the Team blog for the easiest way to export your content.) You can
also visit our Gaia Community Vision Group to post, should you wish, any recommendations for a new community home.

If you’re a Group moderator
yourself, you may want to consider moving your group to Ning. WordPress and Tumblr are great for those of you who’d like to continue blogging, and you can sign up to receive the Q&Rs here.

Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened.
– Dr. Seuss –

I’d also invite you to connect at the Gaia facebook group
, and to continue to participate in the Gaia Minute.
And do please stay in touch… I know you’ll each and every one of you
be on to amazing, extraordinary next chapters, and I’ll be honored to
continue encouraging you.Last but not least,
thank you all, so very, very, very much, for having been a part of this
wonderful journey. I’m grateful to each and every one of you for your
contributions to the connection and heart and the spirit of the
community, to the Team for their committed behind-the-scenes efforts,
and of course to everyone at Gaiam
for their tremendous investment and generous support of this community
over the past few years, especially in the face of the current
recession. It’s been, again, an incredible adventure.

Love always and always,

and the rest of the Gaia Team

100% of the royalty goes to ABC for Life, a registered Non-Profit Organization, that supports children’s education in Cape Town, South Africa



it would be great if Gaia doesnt close this site tonight but if they do please send me an email to with updated contact info… we are adding few more pages at the back of the book where will put all the updated contact infos as inside the book cannot be changed and has all of our zaadz/gaia links…

Matthew said hes been saving many profiles/blogs and will start another site…  i saved his post on our website so can be accessed later heres link

also i finally created a newsletter subscription so u can sign if u feel on this link

or find us on any of the following sites:







~sending you Golden Love~